If you have heard about or stumbled across “The Truth About Abs” you might be wondering, is it really true? Let me elaborate…

Do you have a flabby stomach that won’t go away no matter what you do? Do you workout everyday without getting the abs you want? Getting in shape can be difficult and once you’re in shape, burning the remaining stomach fat to get rock hard, toned abs can seem almost impossible.

If you find yourself in this position now, don’t worry. There’s no shortage of information on how to lose belly fat. The only real question is which of these options actually works?

As you probably know already, those “weight loss pills” and other supposed “tricks” almost never do anything if they aren’t combined with proper diet and exercise. And many fad diets simply don’t do what they claim anyway, and they can actually hurt more than help. They might help you to slim down a bit if you’re lucky, but when it comes to getting rock hard abs, they are simply not designed to get you there.

So what can you do? You can do nothing at all and give up on your diet and exercise routine. Or you can try something new such as what Mike Geary teaches in his truth about abs fat loss program.

Mike Geary is a certified personal trainer and a certified nutrition specialist, but more importantly, he’s the creator of a diet and exercise program called “The Truth About Abs” and it has become insanely popular in recent years. This has turned him into a full blown fitness guru.

So what does Mike Geary suggest you do? He recommends that you give up on your current approach to losing belly fat because it isn’t working and it won’t work. If it did then you wouldn’t be looking for other solutions on how to lose it.

The first and most important step is nutrition. It’s easy to fall into negative dietary slumps and pack on the fat as a result. And it is even easier to trick yourself into believing you are on a good, effective diet when in fact your weight loss, muscle toning and abdominal shredding is going nowhere at all.

Second, he suggests that you begin a consistent daily exercise regimen. But unlike most other alleged ab gurus, he says you shouldn’t always focus on crunches, sit-ups, and all the normal exercises that most people tend to use when trying to shape their stomachs.

Instead, Geary provides you with a set of full body workouts that will chisel out some rock solid six pack abs in the process. Not only are they detailed, but he also includes sets of photos with each of them to show you what to do. It helps to see what to do and also what not to do instead of just reading it.

Another benefit of the truth about abs program is that it doesn’t target any particular group. The creator claims that the right exercises should work well for everyone. Additionally, he provides sets of exercises for people of all ages, experience and fitness levels. As well as great tips for proper diet and nutrition habits.

Here’s a quick summary of what’s included:

1) Unique workouts that burn belly fat and flatten abs
2) Amazing fat burning foods that might surprise you
3) Motivation and mindset to help keep the weight off

Overall, The Truth About Abs provides a high quality course on weight loss and muscle toning. If you’re not having success with your current program, it might be wise to give Mike’s tips a try.

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It’s well known that certain bodybuilding supplements work very well for maximum gains from your workout routine without doing harm to your health. This can also be very beneficial for losing weight and getting in shape. However, when you are searching for the best products available, it’s extremely important to research all the various nutritional supplements out there. This will ensure you find those that are best suited for your body type, needs and goals.

You can get the vast majority of the information you need by searching on the internet and asking around in weight lifting forums. After you do that be sure you talk to a professional at your gym, health store, or doctor’s office. Many of these products have a lot of the same basic goals but they are often made quite differently. They can all have certain positive and/or negative effects on your body and health. Some are great to use and perfectly healthy for you, some don’t have enough testing to be sure either way, and some should be avoided no matter what. You should know exactly what is going into your body before you swallow it!

One of the most popular and important sports supplements is protein. It plays a vital role in muscle building and recovery as well as many other things. It’s very important that you get the appropriate proteins in order to sustain your exercise and body building efforts to get the results you want. Protein shakes can certainly help with that.

Another of the more popular among them is creatine supplements. Creatine is produced naturally in your body from amino acids primarily in the kidney and liver, but you can boost it for much more effectiveness. It is transported in the blood for use by muscles and supplementation can increase size, strength, and give you faster recovery. It is used quite a lot by bodybuilders and other athletes.

There are also many other popular and proven effective muscle builder supplements on the market and new ones are coming out all the time. The “best” stuff changes a lot, so you will need to stay up to date on the industry in order to get the best product for your needs. Whether you want build mass, lose weight, gain strength, or just about anything else, there is a product out there for you to supplement with.

Always ask a professional about the various types of supplements available, and the best way to reach the goals you have set before beginning a supplementation routine. By using the right sports supplements for what you are trying to accomplish, you should be able to see positive gains much faster and keep them longer. This will be great for helping you stay motivated and enthusiastic about your workouts.

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You are on the lookout for a way to finally lose weight and look better. The best piece of advice you can take on weight loss is there are many ways to reach your goal. There is no need to be worried about which one has the magic cure for what bothers you because that doesn’t exist. Trust me if it did everyone would know about it. You just need to take a serious look at your life and see which method or combination of methods would adapt best to it. Then you will notice changes in the direction that you have been aiming for. In this post, you will learn a few of the various weight loss methods to slim down in a timely fashion.

First, you can take the old fashion route. This means that you can simply exercise to get to your ideal weight. You can start by jogging or walking a half hour each day. After a few weeks of this, you will definitely notice some changes about yourself. You can take up weight lifting as well. There are squats, dumbbell curls and many other lifts that you can do on a weekly basis to strengthen and build your body. It is important that you use a combination of weight training and aerobics, like walking, to get to your optimal look. You may be surprised at what a difference all of this can make in a few weeks. In addition, you will want to drink plenty of water at least 8 glasses a day. You should eat plenty of fiber which is found in vegetables to help burn fat for calories you have built up over time. As an added tip you will need to eat something once a week that is at least twenty five to fifty percent more calories than you normally eat. This sparks your metabolism and keeps your body burning calories.

Next, if you are seriously overweight then you could benefit from surgery. There are few things you will want to look at before you take this option. Are you relatively healthy? This meaning that you don’t have any other health concerns like diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. Are you financially able to take on such a cost? Most surgeries cost around at least a few thousands to get any real work done. Could your finances take that kind of hit? Are you okay with being mildly uncomfortable for a period of time? There is normally a recovery period involved with going the surgery route. Can you endure that wait? These are all things to consider if you choose this as one of the weight loss methods.

Then, you can always just join a weight loss program. You hear about them all the time. There’s Jenny Craig, Slim Fast, Weight Watchers and many others. They are all around. These often require that you only eat certain types of foods in limited portions. These mostly being something made by the company. You are typically required to stick with the plan until you see weight loss and in order to maintain this weight loss you must continually use their product. This means you will be shelling out money month after month to keep the look you desire. This also restricts you in the sense that you are not free to eat certain things you may enjoy. This can lead you to the constant temptation of cheating on your diet.

In conclusion, there are several weight loss methods in the world. You can do surgery to get rid of unsightly pounds on your body. Although you will have to pay the hefty price of having it done in the first place. You can join a weight loss program and have someone else tell you what you can eat and when. While this will give you some direction. You may find the rules too much and just end up cheating. This will defeat the whole purpose and you could be back where you started. You can finally take the old fashioned route and just exercise on a regular basis by running, walking, bicycling, weight training, etc… You can do this at your own pace and won’t have anyone telling you what to do. The choice is up to you either way.


Rapid weight loss is an attractive idea for most people who want to lose weight. In fact, many people’s favorite fantasy is one where the excess fat just disappears overnight. The next day we go out and nobody even recognizes us! Wouldn’t that be great?

But at the same time we are constantly hearing that it can be dangerous to lose weight too fast. The question is, is this really true?

The answer is that it depends on the person and on how the weight loss is happening. If a person is getting their basic nutritional requirements from their diet, then rapid weight loss may be okay.

But it is actually quite difficult to get your RDA of vitamins and minerals from food without eating a minimum of 1000 calories per day, and usually more. Some health experts consider that women should not try to eat less than 1000 calories per day and men should not try to eat less than 1400.

Most people will experience rapid weight loss at this level. If a person is considerably heavier or taller than the average, they would need more. And most people will find that they can lose weight by eating more than that.

Another question is what is meant by rapid weight loss. Generally we are told that it is okay to lose 1-2 pounds a week. Anything more than this may cause problems. But a lot depends on how heavy you were in the beginning. A person weighing 300 pounds might lose as much as 5 pounds a week for a while. This is especially true of men, who tend to lose weight faster than women.

Of course it can be better to lose weight more slowly, because it gives you a better chance of keeping the weight off permanently. Crash diets that lead to rapid weight loss are not sustainable for most people. Usually that type of diet does not satisfy our nutritional needs. And at the end of a crash diet, there can be binges that are more dangerous than the diet itself.

One of the risks of losing weight too fast, especially for young people, is that they may develop anorexia. This usually involves a person having an unrealistic body image (they believe that they are fatter than they really are). At the same time there are issues around control over one’s body and one’s life. The causes of anorexia are complex but it is something to watch out for, especially if you find that you are becoming obsessed with eating as little as possible.

There are also some other health risks involved in very rapid weight loss. The body may go into a form of shock. Gallstones may form in people who are losing weight quickly, and the heart may be affected, especially if a person suddenly takes up a fitness regime and pushes too far, too fast.

Of course, if you are losing weight very quickly without trying, then there is likely to be an underlying medical problem. You should see your doctor as soon as possible if you are experiencing rapid weight loss without dieting.

Quick weight loss is the dream of every dieter. Even though we are told over and over that losing the pounds more slowly is a better and healthier way to achieve permanent weight loss, we still harbor a sneaky desire to get thin as fast as possible.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with losing a lot of weight at the beginning of a diet. Many people do this naturally when they change to a healthier way of eating. This is largely because most of us have a lot of retained water due to our high sodium diet.

But then we run into trouble. Once that excess water is lost, our weight loss is sure to slow down. There may be some weeks when we will not lose at all, and we wonder whether it is all worthwhile – even though we know that it really is. If we can just stick to a healthy eating plan and consume fewer calories, that weight is sure to come off in the end.

If you want to achieve quick weight loss, it is important to avoid setbacks and slipups on your diet plan. It is tempting to think that “Just one donut cannot hurt.” People around you may even be saying things like that to you. But it is not true.

That one donut has three dangers. First it excites your tastebuds to over sweetened foods again, when they were probably just waking up to the healthy sweet taste of many fruits and vegetables.

Second it could make you retain water, so when you get on the scales the next day you could find you have gained. That could lead to depression and the slippery slope to regaining weight.

Third, as we all know, it is very hard to stop at one donut. It is likely to lead to another one tomorrow and then two or three the day after.

So be sure to stick to your diet without cheating if you want quick weight loss. The best tip to help you do this is: fill up on vegetables. Many vegetables are virtually negative calorie, which means that you burn more calories than they contain in the time it takes to eat them. Of course, that is assuming that you do not add anything to them, like fats or sauces.

If you do not like vegetables, do not worry, you soon will. Start with a little at each meal while you re-educate your tastebuds. Experiment with new vegetables that you never tasted before. Or make vegetable soup, which can be a great way to take in a larger quantity of veggies than you would otherwise eat. You will be surprised how filling it is.

At the same time, avoid anything that is artificially sweetened with sugar, honey, Splenda or anything else. Do not eat or drink anything sweet except for fresh whole fruit.

Very soon you will find that your tastes begin to change. Starchy vegetables like carrot and pumpkin, that may have tasted bland before, are much more delicious. Even zucchini and green beans will start to taste sweet to you. Then you can start truly enjoying your new healthy diet, and the path to quick weight loss will become much easier.
