If you type the keyword phrase “diet for weight loss” in the Google search box it will return over 1,000,000 results. Since probably about half of all Americans are on a diet at any given time, it makes sense that there would be so many results for weight loss diets.

There are so many diets out there – low fat, low carb, low calorie, raw food, protein, cleanse, Weight Watchers, Over-eaters Anonymous, Atkins, Jenny Craig, Slim Fast… the list goes on and on and on. And each diet plan is adamant that their program is the only one that will work and give you lasting, lifestyle-changing, results.

You can buy book after book, program after program. If you visit your local bookstore, odds are that you will find a new batch of “diet” books on the shelves each month, if not more often.

Dr. Frank B. Smoot has a different point of view. He maintains that the ultimate weight loss book is the Bible.

Dr. Smoot’s program doesn’t focus specifically on what to eat, how much to eat, or when to eat. He proposes that you have to change your mindset, and get rid of, once and for all, your “limiting” beliefs. These are holding you back from making your body a perfect “temple”, as God intended it to be.

Having been a student of limiting beliefs and how they affect our lives, I can understand why this would be a very important element in weight loss, as well as in developing a positive self-image.

Limiting beliefs are “programs” that run through our minds in a loop. These can be from words we were told as a child by parents, teachers, the government, and other figures we perceived as “authority.” After hearing these things enough times, we incorporate them into our subconscious and they become truths for us. An example would be, if your Mother told you, “All of the people in our family are chubby.” If you heard this enough, you would believe that you were “destined” to be chubby and no amount of dieting would succeed if you could not let go of this limiting core belief.

You can find out all the information for Dr. Smoot’s program at Weight Loss Gods Ways.

He teaches you that by renewing your mind you will gain the power to change your life, and your body, for once and for all.

In addition to his program, he offers a free mini-ebook called “Christian Weight Loss Fundamentals” to explain to you the tremendous power of God’s solution for weight loss.

His 7-week program includes a 208 page ebook with 87 custom exercises (not physical)that you read and follow each day, as well as over 200 scriptures. The best method is to do one day at a time… don’t skip ahead! Work the exercises and then move on.

The following bonuses are free with your purchase for $39.97 of the “Weight Loss God’s Way” success system:

Bonus #1: “The Hidden Secrets Of Lifelong Fitness”, 166 pages with Dr. Smoot’s personal fat loss and fitness secrets.

Bonus #2: The “Real Client E-mails”, 100 pages of emails between Dr. Smoot and his clients.

Bonus #3: “Life-And-Love Self-Assessment” to discover your weak points, put love in the place of fear, and be receptive to God’s blessings.

Bonus #4: “21 Hidden Keys To Success God’s Way”, powerful principles from the Bible to help you create a life of success.

Bonus #5: “10 Power Steps To Positive Life Change.”

PROS: Dr. Smoot is very accessible via email to answer all of your concerns and questions, and includes his address and phone number on the website for your use. He offers a 100% LIFETIME money-back guarantee.

CONS: The only thing that would make this program better would be a forum for users to interact with each other.

Weight loss tips and programs come a dime a dozen but this one is more unique than most.

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