What is the quickest way to lose weight? To answer the question literally, the quickest way to lose weight is not to eat. This may seem crazy but many people do it.

Going on a water fast, where you eat nothing and drink only water, can have you losing 3 to 7 pounds a week and possibly more the first week. Another option is a juice fast where you only drink juice.

The biggest problem with any type of fasting is that it can be very dangerous. For some people, such as diabetics, even a 24 hour fast is unsafe. It should only be done under medical supervision and most doctors will tell you not to do it.

Even if you can find somebody to support you with health checks while you go ahead, you will find there are many problems involved in fasting for more than one day. First you will find that you are likely to become very tired. Anybody who is fasting needs a lot of rest, and most of us do not have the luxury of being able to take a long period of rest and relaxation in our lives.

Then you may have detox symptoms. These can be very strong during a fast because there is nothing for the system to do except detoxify. Headaches, cramps, skin rashes, 24-hour fevers and respiratory infections are just some of the detox symptoms that you may encounter in your quest for the quickest way to lose weight.

This is especially true if your diet has been poor in the past. We are constantly taking in toxins from the environment and from chemicals in our food. When we take in more toxins than the body can process and excrete, our system will deal with them by burying them in fat cells. So when that fat is used, the buried toxins are dumped back into the circulatory system.

Another problem can be that when we do not eat, the body will break down muscle as well as fat to use for energy. Muscles are built from protein, and when you have no protein in the diet the muscles are likely to become very weak.

Some people follow a juice fast hoping that it will be the quickest way to lose weight without having all of these issues. However, many of the difficulties are still likely to arise to a lesser extent. You will probably still have some detox symptoms, and you will not get much protein. There is very little protein in fruit. There is more in vegetables, but you may lose a lot along with the fiber when you are juicing them.

It is best to use mainly green vegetable juices because they contain more essential minerals and vitamins than fruit. They are also less likely to damage the teeth. But most people find the juice of green vegetables very unpalatable. Juicing can also be an expensive option, and you may be surprised how little juice you get from a pound of vegetables. Adding some fruit to your juicing veggies can help with the taste, but does not make much difference to the cost.

A period of juice fasting can be healthy if it is well planned and supervised. For most people, however, it is better to follow a recognized diet that will lead to steady, sustainable weight loss. It may not be the absolute quickest way to lose weight but it will probably work out better.

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