Quick weight loss is the dream of every dieter. Even though we are told over and over that losing the pounds more slowly is a better and healthier way to achieve permanent weight loss, we still harbor a sneaky desire to get thin as fast as possible.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with losing a lot of weight at the beginning of a diet. Many people do this naturally when they change to a healthier way of eating. This is largely because most of us have a lot of retained water due to our high sodium diet.

But then we run into trouble. Once that excess water is lost, our weight loss is sure to slow down. There may be some weeks when we will not lose at all, and we wonder whether it is all worthwhile – even though we know that it really is. If we can just stick to a healthy eating plan and consume fewer calories, that weight is sure to come off in the end.

If you want to achieve quick weight loss, it is important to avoid setbacks and slipups on your diet plan. It is tempting to think that “Just one donut cannot hurt.” People around you may even be saying things like that to you. But it is not true.

That one donut has three dangers. First it excites your tastebuds to over sweetened foods again, when they were probably just waking up to the healthy sweet taste of many fruits and vegetables.

Second it could make you retain water, so when you get on the scales the next day you could find you have gained. That could lead to depression and the slippery slope to regaining weight.

Third, as we all know, it is very hard to stop at one donut. It is likely to lead to another one tomorrow and then two or three the day after.

So be sure to stick to your diet without cheating if you want quick weight loss. The best tip to help you do this is: fill up on vegetables. Many vegetables are virtually negative calorie, which means that you burn more calories than they contain in the time it takes to eat them. Of course, that is assuming that you do not add anything to them, like fats or sauces.

If you do not like vegetables, do not worry, you soon will. Start with a little at each meal while you re-educate your tastebuds. Experiment with new vegetables that you never tasted before. Or make vegetable soup, which can be a great way to take in a larger quantity of veggies than you would otherwise eat. You will be surprised how filling it is.

At the same time, avoid anything that is artificially sweetened with sugar, honey, Splenda or anything else. Do not eat or drink anything sweet except for fresh whole fruit.

Very soon you will find that your tastes begin to change. Starchy vegetables like carrot and pumpkin, that may have tasted bland before, are much more delicious. Even zucchini and green beans will start to taste sweet to you. Then you can start truly enjoying your new healthy diet, and the path to quick weight loss will become much easier.
