If you’re like most people, then you’ve spent the bulk of your adult life fighting to keep your weight under control. You’ve tried fad diets, you’ve tried conventional diets, and you’ve tried hours of endless cardio. But in the end, none of these techniques worked and you are still searching for real weight loss tips.

Sure, a few of the diets helped you to drop some water weight. You lost 10-15 pounds, but then hit a plateau. From there on out, you simply couldn’t get any results, no matter how hard you worked. So you took a break from your diet and put the weight back on.

As a result, you’re still struggling with your weight problem today. But you’re getting older and you’re starting to feel as if you’ll never lose it. Fortunately, if what Tom Venuto claims is true, then you may be in for a good surprise.

“To Lose Weight, You Have to Burn the Fat and Feed the Muscle”, says Venuto!

First, let me introduce Venuto. He’s a nutritionist from New Jersey who spent much of his life working as a natural bodybuilder. Today, he’s taking the simple strategies that he learned during his career to tell people like you exactly how you can be similar to people like him. That is, how you can “burn the fat” and “feed the muscle.”

According to Venuto, the process is all too simple. There’s no magic involved or supplements required. Rather, it’s just a matter of getting the right information about nutrition and then acting on it.

In fact, Venuto goes as far as to claim that it is physiologically impossible for most conventional diets to actually accomplish what they claim to do. This might seem like a big claim initially, but based on what customers and reviewers say, he backs it up.

Venuto’s program starts by setting up the four pillars of his diet program. The first pillar is to lose fat and to do so permanently, not temporarily. The second is to avoid wrecking your metabolism, as many fad diets will do. And the third and fourth pillars are to avoid the use of drugs and supplements-and instead to achieve all of the fat loss naturally.

So how does Venuto claim to possess these weight loss secrets? He says that his method comes from 14 years of study, trial and error, and experimentation during his body-building career. Since he was in the industry, he knows what other body-builders and models did to build muscle and burn fat.

As far as his customers are concerned, this is all true. With tens of thousands of copies of his book sold, it is clear that Venuto’s program has been a success. Providing further evidence, his salespage is littered with testimonials and before-and-after pictures from his customers.

In the end, what will his product accomplish for you? It will unlock the important information you need in order to build muscle while losing fat. It will also tell you how to bust through weight loss plateaus that appear to be permanent. And the best part of it all, is that it won’t tell you to do it by using drugs, supplements, or bogus, scientifically-questionable schemes. It might seem like a dream come true, but in reality, it’s just sound advice.

In short, “Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle” is one of the more credible fat loss regiments available on the market right now. If you’re looking for a good way to shed the pounds naturally and without harming your metabolism, then Venuto’s book may be your best choice.

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Virtually everybody who lifts weights wants to build a bigger chest. And people looking for weight loss tips know that building muscle helps to burn fat. But how to get a bigger chest is not always known or done correctly. If you want to build a bigger chest to get that thick and chiseled look you have always dreamed of then here are a few chest building tips for you…

The basis of your chest workout should be flat presses. Doing flat presses work your entire chest and are probably the best way to get a bigger chest. Dumbbell presses are superior to barbell, or bench, presses because they allow for a better range of motion and each pec works separately. However, you should still use barbells to supplement your routine now and again to get a bigger chest.

The next chest building workouts that help tremendously to get a bigger chest are incline and decline presses. Incline presses work the top of your chest while decline presses work the lower part. Most people tend to have a better developed lower chest from flat pressing so they should concentrate more on the upper section with inclines. But don’t totally forget about declines, you should still do them a couple times per month.

Something you need to do when building your chest is to vary your grip width. When doing the barbell bench, decline press, or incline press a very good way to get a bigger chest is to use four different grip widths in each set. Start with a closed grip, where your thumbs are almost touching, then go a little wider, then go to the normal grip about shoulder width, and finally go to a grip that’s bit wider than your shoulders.

Here are 5 quick tips to getting a bigger chest:

1) Get your butt to the gym. This may seem just stupid to even have to say but too many don’t even get that far.

2) Focus on chest building technique instead of just trying to push up as much weight as you can.

3) Maximum intensity takes priority over boosting your ego. This means go hard for a shorter amount of time instead of maxing out on lifts for 2 hours and not really getting much done.

4) Stick with a chest building program as long as it is effective. Switch it up as soon as you aren’t seeing gains anymore.

5) Eat right. This is crucial to getting a bigger chest and building all-around muscle.

Ok that’s it. Now get out there and start building that perfect chest you have always wanted while also helping to burn fat and lose weight! Start with the basics laid out in this article and you will get a bigger chest. As your chest starts to grow and you get stronger you can move on to more advanced chest building techniques, but for now the above tips will get you a bigger chest and a leaner body.

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The bench press is by far the most popular exercise for anyone who lifts weights. Why? Well, it’s mostly to boost their own ego. Having a big chest looks good and gives you a lot of confidence. It’s also nice having people asking you all the time how much you can bench and being able to tell them you can bench 400 (or whatever). Not to mention the fact that it can help you lose weight because you will be building muscle and cutting fat. Weight lifters are always trying to improve their bench press but many go about it the wrong way. So how do you improve your bench press? Here are 5 tips, in no particular order…

1) Don’t Overtrain

If you want to improve your bench press then you have to make sure you are not overtraining. If you are benching every time you are in the weight room then you are doing it too much. You only need to do bench press once per week. If you are benching all the time and not seeing any gains then try cutting back and see what happens. Your muscles need time to rest and recover. They can’t do that if you are constantly tearing them apart.

2) Train Other Muscles

Your chest is not the only thing you should be focusing on in order to improve your bench press. You should be working on your entire body with a special emphasis on your triceps, lats, and delts because these muscle groups play a huge role in bench pressing.

3) Have a Lifting Partner

Having someone there to spot you while you are bench pressing will help for a few reasons. The most important one is safety. Let’s just say it’s not fun having hundreds of pounds fall onto your chest and a spotter will stop that from happening. But a lifting partner can also help improve your bench by giving you encouragement and pushing you harder during your lift as well as providing someone to prove yourself to. You will also have the added confidence knowing someone is there to help you if you fail, so you will tend to push yourself harder.

4) Go Heavy

If you are trying to get stronger and improve your bench press you should not be able to get more than five reps of the weight you are using. However, you should also be able to actually do the weight close to five times each set so you are getting some reps in. Go as heavy as you can while still being able to get a few reps in each set.

5) Take Supplements

Weight lifting supplements such as creatine and whey protein can help you improve your bench press tremendously. They will help with strength, recovery, stamina, explosiveness, and other things that will allow you to bench more.

There you go, five tips to help improve your bench press, which will help you lose weight as a result of fat loss. If you want to be able to brag to your friends about how much you can bench start with the above tips and you will improve your bench press very soon.

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