With such a cute name, it’s almost surprising that anybody wants to get rid of love handles! Lots of people like them in their partner because it gives them something to get a hold of, hence the name. But you are much less likely to love your own love handles. That extra roll of fat above the hips can be unsightly and even dangerous. One of the biggest weight loss concerns among people is getting rid of them.

If you can grab hold of some fat at your sides between the waist and the hips, then you could be said to have love handles. Either men or women can have them and it usually goes with carrying a little excess fat all over the body.

So if you want to know how to get rid of love handles, the answer, as you may have guessed, is diet and exercise.

Any kind of diet that results in losing fat is going to help here. It is not possible to follow a diet that will get rid of fat in certain areas. You will find that you lose it all over. It may come off faster in some parts of the body but this depends on your body type.

Concentrate on losing your excess fat so that you are closer to the ideal BMI (body mass index) for your height. You can do this most easily by eating more non-starchy vegetables to fill the stomach while cutting down on fat and sugar. Try to switch from refined grains to whole grains too.

When it comes to exercise, you can target specific areas of the body, of course. To get rid of love handles you will want to concentrate on the core, that is the abdomen and lower back.

The oblique crunch is a great exercise for working on the side of the abdominal muscles to target the spare tire of fat on either side of the belly. Dumb bell side bends are another good exercise for this area.

Working on the shoulders will give a better overall shape to the body. Stronger shoulders on either a man or a woman will draw the attention away from the midsection and make your spare tire seem smaller even if it is not.

At the same time you do need to do some cardio workouts and improve overall fitness. There is no point in developing firm, toned muscles if they are still hidden under a layer of fat. Cardiovascular exercise such as running or cycling will improve the body’s fat metabolism.

If fat on the lower back and at the sides is a real problem for you, and you have worked on your body with success in other areas but cannot get rid of those pesky love handles, then as a last option you might consider liposuction. This is a procedure that sucks fat out of the body.

Liposuction does not have much effect on your weight, but it can make a difference to the shape of a problem area. So that is something to consider if you have tried everything else and still need to know how to get rid of love handles.

It’s not easy to do but you can get rid of love handles with proper diet, exercise and maybe even some outside help.

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If you’re like most people, then you’ve spent the bulk of your adult life fighting to keep your weight under control. You’ve tried fad diets, you’ve tried conventional diets, and you’ve tried hours of endless cardio. But in the end, none of these techniques worked and you are still searching for real weight loss tips.

Sure, a few of the diets helped you to drop some water weight. You lost 10-15 pounds, but then hit a plateau. From there on out, you simply couldn’t get any results, no matter how hard you worked. So you took a break from your diet and put the weight back on.

As a result, you’re still struggling with your weight problem today. But you’re getting older and you’re starting to feel as if you’ll never lose it. Fortunately, if what Tom Venuto claims is true, then you may be in for a good surprise.

“To Lose Weight, You Have to Burn the Fat and Feed the Muscle”, says Venuto!

First, let me introduce Venuto. He’s a nutritionist from New Jersey who spent much of his life working as a natural bodybuilder. Today, he’s taking the simple strategies that he learned during his career to tell people like you exactly how you can be similar to people like him. That is, how you can “burn the fat” and “feed the muscle.”

According to Venuto, the process is all too simple. There’s no magic involved or supplements required. Rather, it’s just a matter of getting the right information about nutrition and then acting on it.

In fact, Venuto goes as far as to claim that it is physiologically impossible for most conventional diets to actually accomplish what they claim to do. This might seem like a big claim initially, but based on what customers and reviewers say, he backs it up.

Venuto’s program starts by setting up the four pillars of his diet program. The first pillar is to lose fat and to do so permanently, not temporarily. The second is to avoid wrecking your metabolism, as many fad diets will do. And the third and fourth pillars are to avoid the use of drugs and supplements-and instead to achieve all of the fat loss naturally.

So how does Venuto claim to possess these weight loss secrets? He says that his method comes from 14 years of study, trial and error, and experimentation during his body-building career. Since he was in the industry, he knows what other body-builders and models did to build muscle and burn fat.

As far as his customers are concerned, this is all true. With tens of thousands of copies of his book sold, it is clear that Venuto’s program has been a success. Providing further evidence, his salespage is littered with testimonials and before-and-after pictures from his customers.

In the end, what will his product accomplish for you? It will unlock the important information you need in order to build muscle while losing fat. It will also tell you how to bust through weight loss plateaus that appear to be permanent. And the best part of it all, is that it won’t tell you to do it by using drugs, supplements, or bogus, scientifically-questionable schemes. It might seem like a dream come true, but in reality, it’s just sound advice.

In short, “Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle” is one of the more credible fat loss regiments available on the market right now. If you’re looking for a good way to shed the pounds naturally and without harming your metabolism, then Venuto’s book may be your best choice.

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Diet theories abound in the fat loss world and every “expert” insists that his/her method is the only one that really works. “The Fat Loss Bible” isn’t any different in this respect, as author Anthony Colpo advocates strongly that the only way to lose weight and keep it off is to consume fewer calories than you expend, and he backs up his claims with scientific studies.

Anthony Colpo is a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer from Melbourne, Australia. He’s been helping people get into shape and lose weight since 1991. He has a reputation as a “no-nonsense” trainer who gets great results for the people he helps, and people have come to respect his knowledge and sincerely believe that he knows what he’s talking about.

The Fat Loss Bible sets out to destroy the myths about fat loss that have been causing people failure for years and explains exactly how to finally shed every ounce of excess body fat from your body.

Here are some of the topics he covers:

* The one thing you MUST do to lose weight that most popular diets tell you isn’t necessary.

* Why one person can seemingly have success on one of the popular diet plans while another fails miserably on the same diet.

* Why the authors of most popular diet routines don’t know how to prevent long-term failure.

* How scientific evidence proves that eating a low carb diet won’t speed up your metabolism.

* What is wrong with the theory that you will lose more weight, eating the same amount of calories, if you are eating a low carb diet.

* How low-fat dieting can lead to diabetes.

* How you lose muscle tissue as well as fat on most popular diets.

* Why it’s wrong to eat your largest meal in the morning.

* Why eating a lot of carbs in the morning and less at night is utter nonsense.

* Why there is no advantage to eating several small meals a day.

* Why ketosis is not as good as they say it is.

Then, he gets down to business and shows you exactly what to do:

* How you can easily create the best weight loss diet for yourself.

* How much protein, carb, and fat you really need.

* Super foods to keep your body running efficiently.

* How to determine your perfect daily calorie intake.

* Little changes and fine-tuning you can make to make your diet more efficient.

* How to handle a weight-loss plateau.

* What to do about cravings.

* How to get the lean, athletic look you see in the media.

* Exercises to help you maximize losing fat and build great muscles.

PROS: There is a reference in the book that lists all of the studies he cites so you can read them for yourself.

CONS: He tends to be a little technical at times and actually could probably have cited fewer studies.

When you order “The Fat Loss Bible”, you get a 100% money-back guarantee and two bonus books:

“The Truth About Weight Loss Supplements”

“They’re All MAD” – which takes to task the “metabolic advantage dogma” – that people who eat a low carb diet have a metabolic advantage over people who eat a high carb diet.

If you really think about it, it makes sense that you will lose weight if you take in fewer calories than you use each day. The Fat Loss Bible will show you, with scientific evidence, why this is true and will give you a lifestyle plan you can use to have the perfect body and good health you deserve.

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If you’re like most people trying to lose weight, you have tried a wide variety of diets. At a minimum, you’re probably tried the Atkins Diet. You may have also tried the South Beach Diet; or any number of generic fat-cutting, carb-cutting, or calorie-cutting diets.

You may have also attempted diets that claimed to do something new. Realizing that the masses had grown weary of carb-cutting and fat-cutting approaches, perhaps they suggested that you only eat a number of really strange and specific foods. These miracle foods, they claim, will do all of the hard-work, so that you don’t have to.

Of course, you’ve probably also done exercise routines. You’ve gone to the gym, you’ve purchased in-home fitness machines, you’ve tried weight lifting, and you’ve tried jogging.

And, not surprisingly, none of these techniques worked for you in the long run. Either the technique was too difficult to sustain; or you simply didn’t see the results within a reasonable amount of time.

Well, if you’re feed up with everything you’ve tried so far, then you may want to consider “Fat Loss 4 Idiots” (FL4I). In brief, this diet has three goals: 1) to be simple; 2) to generate results fast; and 3) to be sustainable in the long run.

For starters, it makes a big claim: that you can lose 9 pounds in only 11 days. And while it doesn’t argue that other weight loss programs, such as Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig don’t work, it claims that its regimen gets faster results and is equally-sustainable.

So what does FL4I claim you’re doing wrong? Not surprisingly, it wants you to eschew low-carb, low-fat, and low-calorie approaches to weight loss. In fact, it claims that the amount of calories you eat will make no difference at all, since your metabolism will simply shift to burn fewer calories per day if you cut down on your intake.

Additionally, FL4I claims that no exercise is required whatsoever. In fact, it blatantly says that people don’t get fat because they don’t exercise. Rather, they get fat because they don’t consume the right amounts of food at the right times.

What fat loss for idiots claims you should do is simple. First, they start by explaining that your body releases fat-burning and fat-storing hormones after you eat. And if you can only decrease the amount of fat-storing hormones released and increase the amount of fat-burning hormones released, then you can lose weight-and fast.

Apparently, the entire diet program is based around this premise. From there, they go on to claim that massive fat loss can be achieved in two steps. First, you need to increase the amount of meals you eat above 3 per day. And next, you need to be sure that you ensure that the composition and timing of those meals is carefully-crafted according to their “calorie shifting” method, which is designed to trick your body into burning more fat.

Now, at a first glance, the story sounds plausible. However, if you try to learn more about the product creator, things begin to look fishy. No matter where you look, you will not be able to find out who created the diet and whether or not that person has any credentials or even a weight loss story of his own.

Additionally, the company was given a very poor rating at the Better Business Bureau as the result of unresolved customer complaints. And furthermore, the site makes numerous claims that either aren’t true or are simply unverifiable. For instance, they claim that their own careful testing lead resulted in this “calorie shifting” method; however, the method existed prior to the product and it is not clear that the company has any means to perform such tests.

Overall, this product pitch is a tough sell. It makes some interesting and generally true claims about weight loss that might prove to be useful; however, it leaves the reader wondering whether Fat Loss 4 Idiots is truly just for idiots.

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